What does a Garden Gnome do when she is not gardening, in the kitchen or doing genealogy? Well the answer might just surprise you so read the entries to find out more. This blog focuses on everything we do to make our house a home. There will be a strong emphasis on home energy efficiency and do-it-yourself (DIY) projects. At the same time there will also be crafts, knitting and crocheting projects along with any other little tips we do to create that down to earth, I want to be here home. Please enjoy your visit :)
Yeas ago we were gifted with an ancient 20 cubic foot chest freezer. Being young with a growing family we were very much appreciative of such a generous gift. We've had chest freezers ever since and for the past several years have had two chest freezers plus the freezer component of the refrigerator. A freezer basket comes in handy with the larger chest freezers but not so much with the smaller ones. We currently have a 7 cubic foot and 5 cubic foot freezer. The premise was one was slated for our bulk meat purchases while the other would be for in season produce I freeze and other miscellaneous freezer foods as needed. The goal when we moved here was to use the freezers as the salesman that sold us the 7 cubic foot freezer said was now the growing trend. He said people are buying two smaller freezers, then as one empties it is unplugged and cleaned out ready for the next large influx of freezer food. Ideally that is our goal but so far have not got to the point of being able to unplug one of the freezers yet but we are still working on it so perhaps in the up coming year.

Smaller freezer items tend to get put in the refrigerator freeze compartment so I have little need for freezer baskets especially in the smallest chest freezer. I removed the baskets from the smallest chest freezer. I've picked up couple more freezer baskets along the way so decided to put them to good use. I attached one freezer basket to one of the walls in the pantry where it holds snack items like potato chips. Another one is used for root vegetables and squash to keep them contained and off the floor. Yet another serves as temporary overflow for mason and other jars. I use a smaller one (pictured) to cart frozen foods from the chest freezers to the refrigerator freezer compartment. I even use one in the garden not only for carrying things but inverted to hold things like cleaned hand gardening tools and solar lights to be brought in for the winter. Freezer baskets aren't just for freezer use!
Garden Gnome
I have a freezer basket that I reused too. What great ideas, to root vegetable eh? Do you sit the basket on something else and let the root hang? Do tell. :-)
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