What does a Garden Gnome do when she is not gardening, in the kitchen or doing genealogy? Well the answer might just surprise you so read the entries to find out more. This blog focuses on everything we do to make our house a home. There will be a strong emphasis on home energy efficiency and do-it-yourself (DIY) projects. At the same time there will also be crafts, knitting and crocheting projects along with any other little tips we do to create that down to earth, I want to be here home. Please enjoy your visit :)

Monday, January 6, 2014

Custom Built Display Unit

The selling feature for this house when we bought it in 2010 aside of location was the complete absence of carpeting.  We had looked at several houses but this was the only one with no carpeting, something we have been wanting for a very long time!  We were rather pleased with the colours too.  What the house was really lacking was a bit of character.  All of the rooms were still very much painted boxes.  Mind you they were nice boxes, but boxes just the same with no updated trim or custom features to make them a bit unique.  So we decided to add custom built updates and trim.

The lower level opens into a large main space divided by floor (ceramic tile, laminate) and ceiling (textured, smooth) treatments but otherwise is one room.  We are using it as a games room so there are two custom built poker tables and a wood table that seat 22.  There is additional chairs to seat up to 30.  To the middle left of the picture out of camera range is a small room, initially a bedroom.  The hallway (starting edge of display unit middle left) leads to the large pantry (formerly a bedroom), lower bathroom and outdoors.  The door just barely visible (lower right corner) is the dry bar/laundry.

custom built display unit
One of our friends is a very accomplished woodworker.  He is doing all of our custom work for us like this beautiful display unit.  The floor to ceiling display unit was built to include room for our retro jukebox along with shelving for my husband's record collection and some of his sports collection.  The display unit spans the entire length of the wall from dry bar/laundry door to hallway entry. 

My husband loves his custom display unit.  It really is the feature wall in the games room!  As far as price goes, custom built is always more expensive than something store bought but it is unique and designed to meet a particular need so well worth the extra money spent.  Unfortunately, if we ever decide to sell the house, the display unit would have to stay with the house.  It would be a selling feature and does increase the value of our house.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

The Beginnig of a New Year

We are four days into the New Year and hunkered down for our second snowstorm this year expected to drop nine inches of snow between tonight and tomorrow.  Despite going through the house on a germ killing mission after a houseful of company over the holidays, it would appear my husband has come down with a case of possible flu.  It it fast and hard with him virtually fine one minute and turning green the next.  I finally have him tucked into bed so am sitting down to work on our master bedroom bedspread

We have a lot of plans for the house this year.  We've been here just over two years and while we have done a lot, there is still painting and the outside work to complete.  I want to do a bit more on the decorative side as well especially handmade items.  I already have an idea for a crocheted bedspread for the guest bed and we really need a new afghan for the living room.  I would also like to make a couple of crocheted bath mats. 

January will be a month of getting a bit more organized.  I started during the time we were home between the three and five weeks spent at our vacation home so need to finish that.  I'd also like to completely redo the entryway closet.  Surprisingly, I have found very few ideas for that project!  The guest room and office closets need organizing complete over hauls as well. 

At any rate there is a lot to do in our home sweet home...

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year!

Wishing each and everyone of you a very Happy New Year!  Welcome 2014...