What does a Garden Gnome do when she is not gardening, in the kitchen or doing genealogy? Well the answer might just surprise you so read the entries to find out more. This blog focuses on everything we do to make our house a home. There will be a strong emphasis on home energy efficiency and do-it-yourself (DIY) projects. At the same time there will also be crafts, knitting and crocheting projects along with any other little tips we do to create that down to earth, I want to be here home. Please enjoy your visit :)

Sunday, August 8, 2010

It Was One of Those Weekends

I would have loved to be able to share pictures and tell you how we accomplished at least one project on our to do list this weekend.  The reality is despite the best of intentions no projects were worked on around the house this weekend.  The closest we came is my husband brought home paint chips for the sunporch staircase. On the bright side we have started packing for our fall trip to the vacation home.  That means some of the clutter from here is getting shifted but at the same time some of the clutter was just completely out the door.  All in all it ended up being a quiet, work on the house weekend with no major projects started but still accomplishing something.

Garden Gnome