What does a Garden Gnome do when she is not gardening, in the kitchen or doing genealogy? Well the answer might just surprise you so read the entries to find out more. This blog focuses on everything we do to make our house a home. There will be a strong emphasis on home energy efficiency and do-it-yourself (DIY) projects. At the same time there will also be crafts, knitting and crocheting projects along with any other little tips we do to create that down to earth, I want to be here home. Please enjoy your visit :)

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Setting Up a Vacation Home (2) - The Basics

We have had some type of vacation home since our kids were young.  It all started with camping then escalated from tents to a large travel trailer.  So we basically took our home with us.  We've now moved on to a permanent as in not mobile vacation home.  Over the years we have learned there are basics to setting up any vacation home.  First off there are a few basics to consider:

  • rental or owned - Renting a vacation home generally means a lot less set-up so all you have to do is take the basics for the period of time you will be there.  Leave the place clean then lock-up when you are finished.  If you own the vacation home as we do there is a lot more involved.
  • temporary/seasonal/permanent - The time frame makes a huge difference.  Each has their own specific considerations.  For example if the vacation home is temporary as a campsite the prep is different than renting a seasonal campsite lot.  Permanent as ours is results in more things to consider such as ongoing insect control and local weather patterns.
  • amenities - A mobile vacation home is great in that if you don't like the amenities at one location you can move to another one that provides what you want.   A permanent location is a bit more challenging.  In general you will want easy access to a grocery store and laundromat at the very least for mobile  vacation homes along with portable water and restroom facilities.  When it comes to permanent vacation homes you really do need to consider neighbours as well as access to grocery store and possibly laundry facilities.  In all locations, emergency health care must be a consideration.  Lack of amenities will mean more planning on your part.  If electricity is not available in a permanent location such as a cottage up north then you may need to consider a solar system if one is not already installed.  If amenities such as a grocery and hardware store are some distance from your vacation home that is another thing to consider.
  • purpose - When we bought our large, self-contained travel trailer it was for personal use only with no intentions of renting it out.  Mobil units present a host of rental nightmares that are best left alone.  However, permanent vacation homes such as this one present the option of renting it out for parts of the year you won't be using it.  The question becomes whether to restrict the rental to family and friends only or open it up to anyone who meets your rental requirements.  There are pros and cons for both types of set-ups.  Once you have decided on the purpose you need to establish firm rental guidelines if renting it out or usage guidelines if letting friends or family use it.  

Garden Gnome