What does a Garden Gnome do when she is not gardening, in the kitchen or doing genealogy? Well the answer might just surprise you so read the entries to find out more. This blog focuses on everything we do to make our house a home. There will be a strong emphasis on home energy efficiency and do-it-yourself (DIY) projects. At the same time there will also be crafts, knitting and crocheting projects along with any other little tips we do to create that down to earth, I want to be here home. Please enjoy your visit :)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Day 2 of Craft Room Remodel

Originally when we started the bedroom remodel to a craft room last Wednesday. What started as a simple pull up the carpet, refinish the floors, paint and furnish has taken a couple of spins. That's ok and to be expected with any renovation. No renovation goes smoothly. It is obvious the renovation is going to take us a bit longer to complete simple because we have to get to the GTA to pick up a storage system from IKEA. We didn't bank on a bit of winter weather hitting. At the same time we now find ourselves shopping for a floor which is actually snowballing into doing the floors in the adjoining hallway and adjacent guest room.

peeling back the carpetRemoving Carpet

Given the age of our house I knew hardwood flooring would be on the upper level. When we peeled back a corner of carpet and padding we discovered a relatively new looking plywood subfloor. Another thing we discovered is the original plaster walls had been covered with drywall. The red arrow shows a gap between the new drywall and the new plywood subfoor on the longer outer wall that was letting a lot of cold air in. I have to tell you I love windy days for finding these kind of air leaks! At least I know how to fix air leaks. The furthest corner not pictures was letting in so much air that it had to be getting through even with the drywall tucked under the drywall edge. I was happy we found this air leakage!

floor discoveryFloor Doscpveru

There is one HVAC vent in the room. We removed a piece of the new subfloor on a short side of the vent to see what was under it. There as I knew there would be was my hardwood floor. Talk about discouraging. The subfloor is nailed about every 8 inches so the chances of being able to remove the plywood without pulling chunks out of the hardwood below is very slim. Then there is the issue of having to repair and refinish the floor that will likely still show the nail holes. The sad part is the 2 bedrooms, hallway and what is supposed to be a good living room hardwood flooring have been covered with plywood but the games room we found has not been so in order to put the floors at one consistent level on the upper story we have to either put down subflooring in the games room or remove the existing plywood subfloor. See how a project can esculate?

end of the dayEnd of the Day

By the end of the day my husband had removed all of the carpeting and most of the underpad. The painters aka one of our kids and a friend were coming to prep the walls and paint the ceiling. They were picking up the paint for us as well so the intentions were good but the room decided otherwise.

At the end of day 2 the room was ready to be prepped for painting except we had to deal with the gap letting in air. For the most part the walls needed little prep except around the window frames where curtains were hung. This actually gave a hint to the next problem we would encounter but that is next post.

Garden Gnome